Welcome note.....

Welcome to my world which is waiting to get inhabitated. Don't mind the clutter and dust, it has just started to evolve . Feel free to explore and don't worry about leaving fingerprints. I'll tidy up after everyone leaves. And please make sure that i can provide u what makes u tingle n login for more......give ur valuable contribution n suggestions, meanwhile i have some ready made recipe for u..please help urself.......

Monday, January 7, 2008

Prisoners of our own device

Humans, the most evolved and the most distinctive species as far as their own knowledge is concerned. The more we evolved the more we degenerated our living instincts. We have designed so many unnatural devices all around us that we become the prisoners of our own device. The natural instincts of life have so many times been suppressed by each of us that we almost have forgotten the real life, the basic instinct. Every ethics, every norms designed by us have only one purpose and that is to cover up our weaknesses. We always try to defy the rule of nature, so we never succeed to employ the rule of nature. What ethics suggest to humanity is most unethical to life. Have we ever thought that what is the main purpose of ethics n why do we need the lessons of ethics…..

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