Welcome note.....

Welcome to my world which is waiting to get inhabitated. Don't mind the clutter and dust, it has just started to evolve . Feel free to explore and don't worry about leaving fingerprints. I'll tidy up after everyone leaves. And please make sure that i can provide u what makes u tingle n login for more......give ur valuable contribution n suggestions, meanwhile i have some ready made recipe for u..please help urself.......

Monday, May 4, 2009


How long do we try? How far should we go and how come we would reach there? Is there anyway we can find that elusive state of eternal happiness? Is happiness can really be attained by any means? We keep promising ourselves that following this incidence, provided that possession, we will be happy forever. But how long does this feeling stay with us? The moment we find that so called self satisfying happiness the quest of another happiness overwhelms us.

Eastern world has given so many names, terms and definitions for the same quest. Nirvana, meditation and so many other things , which advocates to detach ourselves from fleeting pleasures in order to attain happiness. The detachment and pleasures are two words which really do not make any sense to me. Detachment? From what and for what? This word itself defeats the whole purpose of attainment. Happiness is not something which we can cherish, relish and attain in isolation. Just by closing your eye you cannot pretend that you have no implication with externalities. Detachment is as illusionary as the eternal bliss. Pleasures, isn’t that word is too much vague, it’s too subjective and have infinite horizon. Ultimately the quest for getting that nirvana is also a kind of quest for pleasure.

So, how do we reach there?

Friday, March 27, 2009

A jobless man- nice story - Great Moral

A jobless man applied for the position of 'office boy' at Microsoft.The HR manager interviewed him then watched him cleaning the floor as a test.'You are employed'.He said. Give me your e-mail address and I'll send you the application to fill in, as well as date when you may start.'The man replied 'But I don't have a computer, neither an email..'I'm sorry', said the HR manager, 'If you don't have an email, that means you do not exist. And who doesn't exists, cannot have the job.'The man left with no hope at all. He didn't know what to do, with only $10 in his pocket. He then decided to go to the supermarket and buy a 10Kg tomato crate.He then sold the tomatoes in a door to door round. In less than two hours, he succeeded to double his capital. He repeated the operation three times, and returned home with $60. The man realized that he could survive in this way, and started to go everyday earlier, and return late. Thus, his money doubled or tripled every day. Shortly, he bought a cart, then a truck, then he had his own fleet of delivery vehicles. 5 years later, the man is one of the biggest food retailers in the US. He started to plan his family's future, and decided to have a life insurance..He called an insurance broker, and chose a protection plan. When the conversation concluded, the broker asked him for his email. The man replied, 'I don't have an email'. The broker answered curiously, 'You don't have an email, and yet you have succeeded to build an empire. Can you imagine what you could have been if you had an email !! 'The man thought for a while and replied, 'Yes, I'd be an office boy at Microsoft'! Moral of the story:

M1 - Internet is not the solution to your life.
M2 - If you don't have internet, and work hard, you can be a millionaire.
M3 - If you received this message by email, you are closer to being an office boy, than a millionaire. .........Have a great day!!!
Pls Note: - Do email me, I'm closing all my email addresses & going to sell tomatoes!!!
Smiling after reading is not mandatory!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

SUCCESS....is it a matter of destiny ?

Sometimes I ask myself what is success....and my inner self replies, it is a matter of destiny but suddenly it says no..it is a matter of desire.. And again it says destiny..no no..desire...okk..destiny..na na..desire..It doesn't stops, keeps on fighting with itself and at the end of the day leaves me in sheer dilemma.........

The life of an individual can be considered as a wheel around which his/her activities, deeds (he/she performs) and delivery rotates. Throughout my life, I have learnt to perform, to deliver and work hard coz it not only opens the door to what one wants to achieve in life but also proximates oneself towards the deep valley of knowledge, it is said that knowlegde is a treasure which is always in search of its owner....The learnings acquired in life acts as a twinkling star which carries with itself, the strength and capability of lightening the darkest spot of human thought....

So, can success be achieved through learnings/knowledge which is ultimately a synonym of hard labour acquired through the sacrifice of the most beautiful night, the most delicious meal or the most comfortable act.....so as to devote the entire thoughts in dreaming...and above all trying to get those dreams fulfiled through the strenghts one possesses....

I believe success is a blend of activities performed with the strongest desire to achieve your dreams, utmost dedication and the willingness to transform your dreams into reality.... I remember the last few lines of the famous poet, Robert Frost,

The woods are lovely dark and deep,

But I have some promises to keep,

And miles to go before I sleep,

And miles to go before I sleep..............

Thanks......Pradyuman for providing a platform where one can express his/her thoughts and translate ones feelings into words in a desirable manner...

Suggestions, discussions and comments are welcome...........

World is not enough!

When we think, we think big, But when we start thinking we start with the end result. For example, We start thinking what after MBA. We will be getting a good package salary or we will be placed in some company with higher profile. Then we do start planning how to achieve that goal.
we try and keep trying. Some time we get what we want, many times we don't and then our target our Aim changes.. right?

In this down market, we all are feeling heat of smashing dreams and crashing ambitions, this may breaks ones' desire to dream.

We must dream, but first thing what we must do is to work harder to realize that.

I thank Kumar for allowing me to contribute in his blog. I will keep my agenda very simple.I will write for the inner me.. keeping my self constrained in me, myself and my world. No discussion on the world aloof from me. Its department of Kumar. i wanna contribute my writings for the analysis of common man. Common means me!! :)

Hope you will enjoy reading and pass on comments to get this place more worthy to other readers

Smooth operator

Smooth operator No place for beginners or sensitive hearts
when sentiment is left to chance.
No place to be ending but somewhere to start.

Are you truly a Smooth Operator? In the same sense as in Sades song. No place for beginners and no place to be ending but somewhere to start…..the greatest irony which we always try to master and to become the well crowned smooth operator. Zero percent of causalities and maximum joy how do we reach there?? The journey of smooth operator is not so smooth. No moral law of compensation in fact compensation become the law of morality. Life which is supposed to be an enchantment, feast, a festival becomes an oppressing, unintelligible dream. The sentiment is repressed and thrown in the cocoon of chance. Sense and sensibility are unsensitized and become mere spectator. Nobody knows how it has begun no one knows how it will end but your end become my start and my end become someone else start. This is how we have been operating and this how we proclaim to be a smooth operator……..

Cigarette and Life

Listen to the sound, its horrible…Sucking the soul through the hole in a pipe. Cigarette and life….have you ever sensed the metaphorical co-incidence, did you ever feel that your whole story of life just pasted on the four wall of that tiny little cosmetic pack of cigarette. The wicked pack plays the same game what your life plays with you. It comes to you with the attraction of a devil and borrowed charm of an angel and on the other side it through you with blunt and rusty grip of truthfulness. Choice? And what do we do with that choice? I Guess our all five senses never works in tandem and whenever they work they always create illusion and the most sophisticated creature, that is who we are, always find order in illusion. One of your personality is seduced by the illusions of grandeur …the gold packet of king size with the regal insignia. An attractive implication towards glamour and wealth, a shuttle suggestion that cigarettes are indeed your royal and loyal friends and what is that, an order in the illusion of lie. Your other personality is trying to draw your attention to the flip side of discussion, written in boring bold black and white is the statement that these neat white little soldiers of deaths are in fact trying to kill you and that piece is the truth but rusty and blunt. Beauty is the darling called the death and I, you and we all are addicted to the sweet pitch of its siren. It blows me off with every puff but I find more solace in the sweet, soothing lap of a devil than the real, coarse breath of truth. I will take home the illusion ‘cause I know truth will also kill me, may be little slow, but it will not give me the pleasure of draped and dressed life. Addicted….indeed I m addicted.