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Monday, May 4, 2009


How long do we try? How far should we go and how come we would reach there? Is there anyway we can find that elusive state of eternal happiness? Is happiness can really be attained by any means? We keep promising ourselves that following this incidence, provided that possession, we will be happy forever. But how long does this feeling stay with us? The moment we find that so called self satisfying happiness the quest of another happiness overwhelms us.

Eastern world has given so many names, terms and definitions for the same quest. Nirvana, meditation and so many other things , which advocates to detach ourselves from fleeting pleasures in order to attain happiness. The detachment and pleasures are two words which really do not make any sense to me. Detachment? From what and for what? This word itself defeats the whole purpose of attainment. Happiness is not something which we can cherish, relish and attain in isolation. Just by closing your eye you cannot pretend that you have no implication with externalities. Detachment is as illusionary as the eternal bliss. Pleasures, isn’t that word is too much vague, it’s too subjective and have infinite horizon. Ultimately the quest for getting that nirvana is also a kind of quest for pleasure.

So, how do we reach there?

1 comment:

ALOK KUMAR said...

As u discussed about the detachmant or nirvana i think in this matter a person who wants peace or calm in his life that will pursue it. But how about a man whose prime need is food.